Títulos adquiridos

Boyce's elementary differential equations and boundary value problems

AUTOR: William E. Boyce, Richard C. DiPrima, Douglas B. Meade
COTA: MT/476.2-BC

EDITOR: John Wiley & Sons
ANO: 2017
RESUMO: Boyce's elementary differential equations and boundary value problems is primarily intended for undergratuate students of mathematics, science, or engineering, who typically take a course on differential equations during their first or second year of study. The main prerequisite for engaging with the program is a working knowledge of calculus, gained from a normal two or three semester course sequence ot its equivalent.

Horário de Funcionamento
De 2.ª a 6.ª feira das 10.00h às 22.30h

Campo Grande, 380 - B
1749-024 LISBOA

Contacto Geral
Tel.: + 351 21 751 55 00 – Ext. 711 e 713

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Universidade Lusófona