Títulos adquiridos

Designing designing

AUTOR: John Chris Jones

EDITOR: Bloomsbury Visual Arts
ANO: 2021
RESUMO: Designing designing is one of the most extraordinary books on design ever written.

First published in 1984 and reprinted in 1991, the book was a product of ten years of reflection and experimentation on writing on designing and design thinking.

Offering a savage auto-critique of his own work on 'methods' as well as of the wider methods and ends of advanced industrial societies as a whole, John Chris Jones Challenges the traditional product - and progress - orientated focus of design by insisting that the world now coming into being requires designing to be undestood as 'a response to the whole of life'.

But Designing designing is also unique in modern design thinking in its exploration of what writing on designing might be. Combining essays, interviews, reflections, performances, plays, poems, chance procedures, photographs, collages and quotes, Jones experiments with both form and content in an attempt to make a book which 'is not simply about designing but is instead itself an instance of the ideas and processes explored within it.'

John Chris Jones is a Welsh designer. In the 1950s and 60s he worked as an industrial designer and designer researcher. He was one of the founders of the design methods movement and the Design Research Society, and his magnum opus, Design Methods, was published in 1970. He was appointed the first Professor of Design at the Open University, UK, and subsequently worked in software, in the time-based arts and in writing. His reflection on the web, The Internet and Everyone, was published in 2000.

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De 2.ª a 6.ª feira das 10.00h às 22.30h

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