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AUTOR: Tony Fry
TÍTULO: Defuturing : a new design philosophy

EDITOR: Bloomsbury Visual Arts
ANO: 2020
RESUMO: 'Once one understands the nature and magnitude of defuturing as the negation of world futures, how one has to account for the history and making of the material world - including design - dramatically changes. Defuturing as our condition forces the generation of a new philosophy of design.'

With these thoughts Tony Fry presents a radically new understanding of the history, context and futures of designing.

First published in 1999, Defuturing : a new design philosophy is a prescient and powerful account of what it means to comprehend that we live in a world that is taking away futures for ourselves and non-human others. Arguing that designing is doubly implicated is the process, firstly in its roles in helping to create the unsustainable, but secondly, re-thought through the lens of defuturing, as a mode of acting in the world that can help contest the negotion of the world, Defuturing transforms our comprehension of designing and of how futures can be constituted.

Working not through abstract theorizing but through the analysis of concrete examples, Fry uses historical material on design to expose the archeology of defuturing. Shattering the illusion that the future simply 'is', Defuturing confronts designing with the challenge of remaking, while offering the elements of a new practical reasoning of design acting.

Horário de Funcionamento
De 2.ª a 6.ª feira das 10.00h às 22.30h

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1749-024 LISBOA

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